Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Making Progress

Now that we know Baby Yarbrough is Baby GIRL Yarbrough, we've started to work on her nursery. I finally found some bedding I like at Wal-Mart of all places! Her nursery colors will be pink and chocolate brown. Here's a picture.
We're fortunate to have such giving family and friends. My sister Stacie gave me this changing table...

Our friends Eric and Paige gave us this crib, which belonged to their daughter Emery - Baby Yarbrough's future sister-in-law!
 The only thing we've had to buy is this armoire, which we found at Austin's Unpainted Furniture.
 Now we just have to paint!

23 Week Doctor Appt.

I went to the doctor today and everything is going great! The first words out of my doctors mouth were "WOW! You've gotten big!" (I'll take that as a compliment.) Baby Girl Yarbrough is doing great and I told him how active she's been and how she keeps me up at night. I guess it's just practice for when she gets here. I go back October 17th and we'll do the gestational diabetes test! yee-haw!

Here's the latest of the growing belly!

Warrior Pride!!!

I recently got an email from an old friend from high school reminiscing about the days gone by (thanks MK) and I couldn't help but think of this picture. This picture was the trip the "Explorers" took to Six flags in 1994! To all of my fellow Warriors Class of '96, I hope all is well! Thanks for the memories!