Anna turned 19 months old this week and her vocabulary is starting to show how fast she is growing up. She is such a motor mouth these days. She pretty much repeats anything we say and she even tries to carry on conversations with us. Her latest words are wa-wa (water), Abba (Abby the dog), mouth, cow, book, i laah ooh (I love You... my favorite:), and uh-uh (my least favorite). Anytime she doesn't want to do something, she says uh-uh, and as independent as she is, we hear these words A LOT! She's become a pro at eating with a spoon and fork, and we finally got brave and started letting her drink from an open cup. No major messes yet but I'm sure those are still to come. Her favorite song right now is "If You're Happy And You Know It", where she likes to clap her hands, stomp her feet and turn around. I'm trying to get this on video because it's really cute. She's been going to bed a little later... 8pm. Her bedtime routine has consisted of "book, book, book"... that's all we hear! She loves to read books and she throws a fit if we read less than 3 each night. Her favorites are Brown Bear Brown Bear, the Very Hungry Catepillar, Counting Kisses and the Big Animal Book. As of next week, she is moving up to a two year old class at her daycare, even though she's not two yet (still trying to figure that out). In her new class, they will begin potty training! Seriously, is she already old enough for potty training?!?! Time has flown by with her and each day she learns something new and we learn something new about her. We enjoy every moment with her, especially lately... she is always doing or saying something that amazes us, entertains us, makes us laugh and even makes us cry. I don't know what I'd do without her.
Happy 19 Months Pooter Poo's! I laah ooh!