Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Day at the Zoo

With summer slowly coming to an end and with the start of football season fast approaching, we thought we'd spend this weekend doing family stuff, which meant a day at the zoo. Going to the zoo with Anna is so much fun now because she loves animals and she goes around making animal sounds. Kevin and I get a kick out of that.
Anna's favorite animal was the lion. She made us go back twice to look at them. She kept saying "Meow!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Anna's Graduation

Anna's class had a graduation ceremony to honor the kids moving up to the next class. All of the parents were there and the kids were able to show what they've learned throughout the year. Anna looked very cute, but she was acting very shy... and tired. She apparently didn't take a nap before the big event.
Here's the whole class. Anna has been with most of these kids since she was a newborn and it's neat to see them grow up together.
Anna with her buddy Mia.
Anna was presented a certificate for completing the 2 Year Old Class by her teachers Ms. Cedes and Ms. Keona.
  Anna with her favorite teacher Ms. Cedes. Everybody at the whole daycare knows Anna is "Cedes Girl!"
Congratualtions Baby Girl! We are so proud of you!

 Here's a few videos from the ceremony.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Overnight Guest

My niece Jacie spent the night with us this weekend and she and Anna had a great time together. Jacie treats Anna like she's her baby so she takes really good care of her, which is good because she has a baby brother on the way in the Fall. I know Anna enjoyed the company so we'll definitely do it again real soon.
 We made a big palet in the floor for the girls to sleep on and I let them pick out books to read before bed. Jacie said she likes the way I read books because I get excited. Ha ha! :)

Thanks for coming over Jacie!